Admit it–most of us, when we were kids, had a sweet digital watch. I myself favored a Timex Ironman Triathlon edition that lasted me the better part of six years before I went off to college and upgraded accordingly to a watch with actual hands. But now, Seiko’s making the digital watch a lot less dorky and a whole lot sexier with the Active Matrix EPD.

The Seiko Active Matrix EPD uses an E-Ink display that makes it look really impressive, and of course there are other features here to make it stand out even more. For instance, it’s set to offer a 180-degree viewing angle, radio-controlled movement that gets its marching orders from the nearest atomic clock, and solar cells in the frame that’ll let it get juice from the sun.

Never again will you not know what time it is.

There’s no word on pricing yet, but some hope has emerged that prices will be reasonable. As to when these come out, it looks like they’ll hit shelves by the end of the year, though any release will start in Japan and make its way out from there.

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